BMW Supports Liaohekou Biological Protection and Upgrades its Corporate Social Responsibility


    Gao Xiang, President and CEO of BMW Group Greater China, said:
"The BMW Group wants to become a company that has an impact on the future of mobility: responsibility first, humanity first and intelligence first.

    On the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the founding of BMW Love Foundation, BMW announced that in cooperation with China Education Development Foundation, BMW will continue to donate 30 million yuan to BMW Love Fund in the next three years to carry out social welfare activities in various fields such as education support, cultural protection and ecological protection, and jointly create practical value for Chinese society.

BMW's corporate social responsibility in China will focus on the two areas of "cultural protection" and "biodiversity protection" in the long term.

    Dr. Hexuan Dai, President and CEO of BMW Brilliance, said: "... ... Our goal is to achieve economic prosperity and a balanced development between people and the environment. BMW has long focused on cultural conservation and biodiversity conservation in China as part of the solution to social problems. ..." For half a century, BMW has been committed to carrying out cultural activities around the world, and promoting cultural protection and dialogue as a corporate citizen, helping people from different cultural backgrounds understand each other from different perspectives, and realizing mutual learning and sharing of civilizations.

    BMW and its partners launched the "BMW Cultural Tour - Grand Canal Cultural Protection Education Public Benefit Project" to help the protection and promotion of the Grand Canal culture, and funded non-genetic inheritors to enter the BMW Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Base of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University to promote the Grand Canal heritage and cultural tourism.

    At present, mankind is facing the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution. Biodiversity is the basis, goal and means of sustainable development. For the third year in a row, BMW has partnered with the China Green Foundation to fund the protection of the Liaohekou wetland, focusing on the study of the wild habitat of red-crowned cranes and biodiversity education and promotion to raise public awareness of environmental protection.
2024-04-09 10:38:51

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